
Word and excel for apple
Word and excel for apple

word and excel for apple

What makes Office for iPad so important, naturally, is that one can actually do something with the document, rather than hunt and peck at it, as one must in Office Mobile on a smartphone. Each Office 365 subscription includes at least one tablet subscription, which covers Office for iPad. In a nice twist, you can connect both your personal OneDrive and OneDrive for Business accounts and connect to SharePoint as well. However, to create or edit documents, you must subscribe to Office 365: either Office 365 Home Premium ($9.99 per month), the upcoming Office 365 Personal ($6.99 per month), or one of several business options.

word and excel for apple

But Office 365 also includes a subscription to OneDrive, Microsoft’s cloud storage solution, a central repository from which one can withdraw and store documents.

Word and excel for apple